Profile PictureGeopoliticsPhD

Introduction to Geopolitics - Video Course

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  • BONUS 1: Access to my closed LinkedIn Master Mind group Geopolitics, Strategy, Career (see below)
  • BONUS 2: PDF handouts with all slides for each part of the course

This course will introduce you to the field of Geopolitics. Whether you are a student or just someone interested in what Geopolitics is about, this course will carefully guide you through the basics of this fascinating academic field.

The course is ideal for beginners with no prior university education because it allows you to understand the basics of the field. Although it is designed for beginners, the course will give you confidence to speak about Geopolitics with much greater confidence.

What You Will Get in This Course

Here is a summary of what you will learn in this course:

  • Understand key geopolitical thinkers, theories and concepts
  • Identify the most important founders of geopolitics, including their key contributions
  • Understand the impact of classical geopolitics on contemporary foreign policy problems, including the war in Ukraine and US policy on China
  • Understand the importance and impact of the political geography of Friedrich Ratzel
  • Understand the idea of a state as a living organism and lebensraum
  • Compare Ratzel with Rudolf Kjellén, who expanded Ratzel's theories and informed German Nazi expansionism
  • Understand the profound impact of Halford MacKinder on modern foreign policy of great powers
  • Become expert on the theory of Eurasian Heartland, Inner Crescent and Outer Crescent
  • Explore the naval strategy of Alfred Thayer Mahan and his influence
  • Understand the influence of Nikolas Spykman and how he revised MacKinder's geopolitics
  • Explore the significance of Rimland in relation to Heartland, as well as Offshore Continents
  • Explore the geopolitics of Karl Haushofer and his role in Nazi Germany
  • Understand the importance of the German - Soviet alliance and why it matters today
  • Explore the impact of classical geopolitics on the modern challenge of US foreign policy and the rise of China
  • Explore the impact of classical geopolitical thinkers on Russian foreign policy and its role in the world

Closed LinkedIn Group

After you enrol, you will get a link to my closed, invite-only LinkedIn Master Mind group Geopolitics, Strategy, Career.

Email me at for a link to my closed LinkedIn Community.

In this group, you can expect:

  • Access to my podcasts and other expert content before I share it with anyone else
  • My top reading recommendations
  • Educational and career advise
  • Exclusive discounts before I share them with my other students
  • Ability to ask questions and engage in discussion

My Promise to You

I promise that the tuition in this course is of the highest quality, based on genuine university-level teaching and research. It is presented in a highly-accessible and engaging way, designed specifically for those who do not have prior university degree in Politics or International Relations.

I invite you to send me a message if you have any questions about the content of this course.

About the Author

I am a full-time, award-winning Associate Professor in International Politics at a UK university. I published 3 books, numerous articles in prestigious, high-ranking journals and have an international experience of working for the European Union in Brussels and sharing my expertise with top think-tanks, including International Institute for Strategic Studies in Washington D.C.

I am also a best-selling author of online courses and work with students through individual tutoring. I have taught almost 10k students since 2016. My online courses are meant to give you concrete knowledge and skills to understand and speak about International Politics and Geopolitics with confidence.

Money Back Guarantee

You have 30 days to try this course. If, for any reason, you decide that it is not for you, I will give you your money back, no questions asked.

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2 hours on-demand video course, university level, with handouts and a closed, LinkedIn Master Mind Community

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Introduction to Geopolitics - Video Course

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